work in progress
la perugina

self portrait II

The picture above is where i am currently at.
This second attempt at a self portrait has given me little rest over the last few days.
I feel there is still much work to do to complete it.
I tried to start this again the night before last, however realised it was impossible for me to even contemplate picking up a brush due to the intense concentration and emotions experienced with the first portrait.

There were many lessons learnt i felt through the first painting and after some thought, restless sleep thinking about what needed to be tackled, and after a little rest yesterday afternoon, i'm giving it another go... improving it in areas which i felt needed more careful attention.
I am posting here my progress so far, so as to remember this for next time.

It's a more controlled render than the first, and has a different 'spirit', nevertheless it is also an experience and am building on my skills in watercolour.
There is some pressure when posting a work in progress, and this is a lesson also, one i welcome as with all my wips. Having said that, this one i feel most vulnerable about, however it is something i am compelled to push myself through at the moment despite how tired i feel.

I want to thank those of you who were so kind to leave thoughts on my first portrait, here and on RB, and my replies to you each individually are pending - for this i sincerely apologise! I felt very vulnerable and exposed posting it, so your encouragement and kindness by way of these supportive comments have gone a long way in making me feel a little stronger to start this one.


Mimi said...

a beautiful fawn like woman is coming into focus here. Is she tempermental and sultry? can she dance like a ballerina? Does she know the secrets of humanity? Look into her eyes, maybe you'll find out.

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait for the finished painting

Anonymous said...

i thought its the same one that i commented yesterday;
but this one is different
of course this is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Un bel pezzo d’arte fino ad oggi di una bella signorina !
Looking forward to the finished product Patricia !
...and I really like it when you post your WIP pics, it’s great to see how you progress through the stages of your art.

Anonymous said...

Patricia, I thought the first one was lovely, but this one takes it to the next level. The eyes are more focussed and look more out at the audience. They make you feel like they are looking directly at you. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I’ve been away from RB for about a month. It sounds like this self-portrait is an intense emotional journey Patricia. Your work is beautiful and most things that are worth doing in life do come at a cost of some kind. Finish it when you feel ready, but be kind to yourslf too. Sometimes it is good to take a break, reflect and then look upon it with new eyes. We all learn from every artwork, and I am sure our emotions at the time are also reflected in our work. Thanks for sharing your ‘in progress’ work, it is brave and very informative for others who paint. Hugs ~ Anni xxxx

Anonymous said...

Amazing to see the progess, and to read about your struggles. Now as I look in your eyes I can see the reflection of the struggle. Listen to Anni’s beautiful advice…..go easy on your self dear one!!! This is VERY BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I also like seeing the WIPs very much. Thanks for sharing that.
I like the dreamy quality this portrait has, exceptional expression and I love the way the hair is treated.

Anonymous said...

Fantactic work Perugina!!!:)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous portrait of a gorgeous woman!

perugina said...

Mimi, your comment when I first read this left me speechless!!! Thank you for such wondrous words. I very much admire your talents/skill in writing, and as a lover of painting portraits, your continued support and your thoughts here is/are very much appreciated.
Your encouraging emails also provide me with a much needed boost in confidence! Thank you

Mr Elliot, thank you so much! I am in no rush believe me… this needs a little time between brush strokes i think, so i can plan my next move. Thanks for your speedy comment, this encourages me.

Ismail, thank you again for your kind comments , the other day and on this my second attempt. It is different in that it is a more controlled render. I am going to live with it for a while before i decide whether or not to leave as is, or work on it some more. Your thoughts are most appreciated.

Jared!!! Your Italian is ‘perfetto’!!! I am impressed! You are a young man with many talents. Grazie tanto!!
As stated in my above comments to Ismail, I’m going to leave this for a while, look at it and make some decisions a little further down the track as to whether i leave it as is. This moment sees me comfortable with this. Your support has been one of great encouragement, for this i sincerely thank you.

Ingrid, it’s always wonderful of you to stop by! Your comment here leaves me much encouraged, that you say “this one takes it to the next level” is so kind. I very much wanted the portrait to engage with the viewer, i feel i have come a little way with this. Your continued support is much appreciated as you know. Thanking you again.

perugina said...

Hi Anni, no need to apologise at all! It has been pretty intense as you have read. Your support as you know has been much appreciated by me, and your thoughts provide me with encouragement and comfort. I am taking your kind words of advice along with those of many others who have taken the time to talk to me and contact me about this. They seems to echo your words also “it is good to take a break, reflect and then look upon it with new eyes”. You are so very right – with each artwork we “learn” we take another step – sometimes a leap, other times a small and barely noticeable one, nevertheless i look forward to them all. I feel posting a wip forces me to stay focused and also provides me with a visual record of the stages. I am only to happy to share this if it goes a small way into helping others. Hugs to you and thanking you again for your friendship and continued support. XXXX

Anonymous said...

Fantastic finale Perugina! Well done!

Anonymous said...

splendido Patricia: semplicemente Splendido!!!

perugina said...

Moonspiral, thank you for your very kind thoughts re the WIP and the time you have taken to read through the text. I look forward to our mutual support. You have left me most encouraged.

Barbara, posting a Work In Progress has many benefits all round – for me it is a visual record of the “journey” through the pieces i present. For the viewer perhaps it is much like peering through a window allowing them to view this “journey”. Each learning from a different perspective. Your kind feedback leaves me much encouraged and your support valued. Thank you.

Claudia, thank you again for your continued support and for your encouragement.

Jean-Christophe, you are too much!! ((BLUSH)) Thank you.

Thank you Mrs Willow. A most encouraging comment.

Miriam, spero tutto bene? Le tue dolcissime parole mi rendono sempre incoragiata. Grazie carissima, un forte abbraccio, a presto!
Miriam, I hope all is well? Your sweet words render me encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful ! what a wonderful painting, I love to see self portraits,

perugina said...

Welcome once again Morgaine, your return visit and your kind words have left me most encouraged. Your figuartive works are amazing and very much admired by me and i look forward to our mutual support.
Thanking you again and best wishes.

Srishti said...

Wow! This is breathtaking! Absolutely love it PG! So beautiful, (just like you) :D

Nick said...

I love it as is, you don't have to do any more as far as I'm concerned. GREAT!!!!!!

perugina said...

Hi Srishti, my sincere apologies for my tardy reply when you are so very generous with your time and kind comments - however i trust you understand. Hope you are well.. will try and pop around to see what has been happening over your way in the world of Srishti Art.

perugina said...

Hi Nick my sincere apologies to you as well for my tardy reply, trusting that you understand (you know I am not one to leave comments unanswered and perhaps even go on and on too much when doing so.. lol!!!!) I get around to them eventually.
Your positive comment is noted and thank you, you will be happy to know that you are not alone in your thoughts of ‘not doing any more’ as far as you are concerned.
Thank you for your ongoing support, means much to have it. :)