Thank You
People come into your life for a reason..
They are sent to you
not because you WANT them..
They come into your life
because you NEED them..
to help you
to leave you
to hurt you
to love you
to make you into the person you are meant to be
to make you strong
when you are weak
to help you up
when you are down
to help you shine
even in the darkest place
to protect you
when you are most vulnerable
to walk with you
when you are alone
to help fix you
when you are broken
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
walked with me
held my hand
laughed with me
wiped my tears
walked away from me
stayed with me near
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
helped me up
walked on by
stopped to listen
that did not hear
took some time
to lend an ear
opened their door
closed their heart
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
been there forever
for only a moment
held my heart
smashed my spirit
taught me to believe
dismissed my dreams
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
reached out
turned their back
stopped to speak
kissed my lips
slapped my face
invited me to sit
offered no drink
despised me
loved me
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
touched my life
in any way
hear me
for I thank you now
to those who are still to come
i bid you welcome
help me to become
the person i will be
for i will be a better person
for having known you
when you are alone
to help fix you
when you are broken
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
walked with me
held my hand
laughed with me
wiped my tears
walked away from me
stayed with me near
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
helped me up
walked on by
stopped to listen
that did not hear
took some time
to lend an ear
opened their door
closed their heart
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
been there forever
for only a moment
held my heart
smashed my spirit
taught me to believe
dismissed my dreams
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
reached out
turned their back
stopped to speak
kissed my lips
slapped my face
invited me to sit
offered no drink
despised me
loved me
thank you for coming into my life
thank you for helping me to become
the person i am
i am a better person
for having known you
to those who have..
touched my life
in any way
hear me
for I thank you now
to those who are still to come
i bid you welcome
help me to become
the person i will be
for i will be a better person
for having known you
con gratitudine
sempre dal cuore
'sea of passion'
self portrait
if drowning in kisses means resurfacing in a sea of passion
then i want to drown
perugina photography © 2009 patricia vannucci
words © 2009 patricia vannucci
creative direction patricia vannucci
I love this
The words have so much meaning
They are simple but say everything
It deserves to be on this blog
It gives me so much inspiration
Thank you again. L
This is lovely Patricia…..Happy to have met you.
I agree with Renate…this is lovely and heartfelt. It something we all need to know….because it applies to us all.
Thank you Patricia.
PG what beautiful hands you have, no wonder all the work you produce is so delicate.
I love these words, it should be something cheered before dinner with a wine glass raised in the air!
oh beautiful PG, really perfect.
Lovely heartfelt words, but more importantly- a post, communication, a hand reaching out, and we're all here.
PG...your art and writing is a reflection of you, beautiful, delicate and loving !
you have no friends, you have no enemies; you have only teachers…
evocative, lucid and inspiring writing…
Beautiful words Patricia…
Your work is very touching, both your art and writing. What wonderful talent you have to be able to portrait such emotion.
VBS {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}
Non so perchè, ma le tue belle parole hanno per il mio cuore, un velato sapore di tristezza, un pò come quando si deve salutare una persona cara che se ne va. Però, le tue parole, sanno anche dare la speranza che altri amici, ancora sconosciuti, potrannno arrivare e troveranno sempre la porta aperta.
E' bello venirti a trovare sul tuo blog!!
Oh just stunning
i often admire in silence, for me words don`t come easy
your poetry and work is very beautiful
L.. again.. thank you so much for your support, encouraging me to post this here.
i am not one for fancy words, I am a simple person am simply speaking dal cuore. If it inspires you in anyway, then it fills me with joy. Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you Renate (((hugs))) happy to have met you too!
Mrs Willow.. (((hugs))) thank you, i am a better person for knowing you!
Jade.. you always say the nicest things that leave me speechless. Since reading your very lovely words, have raised a glass in the air to you! Your support means much. (((hugs))) Thank you.
SM.. it is wonderful to know you. Thank you. (((hugs)))
Wendi.. thank you for your kindness and for reaching out, for simply being there, it is a wonderful feeling. (((hugs)))
Vesna.. reflecting these words right back at you Vesna. (((hugs)))
Imagineering.. ‘you have only teachers’ wonderfully expressed.
Ana.. Thank you (((hugs)))
Maria.. Thank you for your very kind words. Hope you are continuing to produce your wonderful art. (((hugs)))
Craig.. back at you (((hugs))) Thank you.
Tito.. le tue belle parole mi comforta e mi fa capire che tu essendo una persona intelligente e anche sensibile, che hai capito qualcosa. Sono anche io una persona molto sensibile e semplice parlando dal cuore. La porta e` sempre aperta per loro che se ne vanno via aspetando il loro ritorno, e anche per loro 'sconosciuti' che devono ancora arrivare. grazie dal cuore Tito. Un abbraccio.
Petra.. le piu` belle parole sono quelle piu` semplice.. the simplest of words and gestures can have the greatest of meanings, yours left here leave me touched. Thank you (((hugs)))
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