'sempre dal cuore'
always from the heart
always from the heart
perugina photography © 2009 patricia vannucci
words © 2009 patricia vannucci
words © 2009 patricia vannucci
i am missing everyone here that do the blog rounds and those of you in the bubble.
Just letting you all know that i think of you all often and i try and pop in from time to time and that you are not forgotten.
Just letting you all know that i think of you all often and i try and pop in from time to time and that you are not forgotten.
so quickly i want to thank you all dal cuore - from the heart for leaving those wonderful words of support and comfort on my last entry here, your thoughts helped me at the time i made this decision and continue to help me tremendously.
finding myself among creative souls i know you all understand the need for taking a break.
finding myself among creative souls i know you all understand the need for taking a break.
although i have not picked up a brush since making my decision to take some time to recuperate and rest, my creative expression it seems will not be quieted, how can it be when it is part of your soul and what it is you do comes from and is felt in the heart, so during this time when energy has permitted, i have engaged in a little writing and dabbled with some photography.
i will eventually get around to those tardy replies, i hope and trust you all understand this also.
sempre dal cuore
always from the heart
things that are felt in the heart
and that are from the heart are the most
beautiful things that exist in the world
they cannot be touched
they cannot be seen
felt solely
To those of you that have kept in touch during this time,
Riempie il cuore di gioia e gratitudine
It fills the heart with joy and gratitude
It fills the heart with joy and gratitude
love, always love,
a presto,
la perugina
Friday 17 April, 2009
Both words and imagery are beautiful … as are you.
Nice to see you back on the bubble. You have been missed.
Hey there Suzie, thank you for your ever kind words.
I feel like i have been away forever and yet it has been a few weeks..thank you for your warm welcome.. it’s nice to see your familiar face. Hope to get back into the swing of things by starting off with some photography and writing which has sustained me whilst on my painting break.
Love to you!
We will catch up soon.
I love the design, sentiments and the colour. Belissimo!!
Grazie dal cuore – thank you from the heart.
PG funnily enough I thought of you today, as I was trying to draw a self portrait of myself and found that it looked more like you than me, not that I did a very good job of it anyway lol. That is wierd hey, then I find you have posted. You must have strong vibes. Anyway I'll be here to chase rainbows with you anytime you need! Or I'll bring them to you - Just sing!
Grazie Patricia per le tue bellissime parole and il cuore di petali di rose. Sei sempre bravissima mia cara amica.
Jade, it is not the first time I have been told I have strong vibes! I also have very strong intuition, and something tells me that your self portrait is wonderful and doubt it looks like me?! – lol.. this has made me laugh.. you always manage to do this!! I love you for it!!!
I’ll have to pack the heels away and dust off the runners.. be over in a mo to help chase down the bows of colour in the sky!
As for the singing…
il canto dei colori sara` una musica bella che non avra` principio e non avra` fine. -
the singing of the colours will be a music which will have no beginning and which will have no end.la perugina
Love, always love,
Vasile Stan,le rose hanno sempre comandato l’attenzione del cuore
per me sono il simbolo del cuore
petali compongono questo cuore
dal cuore di una rosa.roses have always commanded the attention of the heart
for me it is the symbol of the heart
petals make up this heart
from the heart of a rose.grazie della vostra gentillezza
la perugina
wooooooooow beautiful words!
beautiful photo!!!!!!
An artist in heart and mind you are!
I’d say go with the flow Patricia,
one day that creative expression of yours will get the upper hand again,
and on that day you’ll be ready to paint your wonderful works once more.
Take care.
It is so good to have you back again....and with all your creativity refreshed.
Take things easy , one step and one day at a time.
I miss you too, such a beautiful special woman you are. I have been writing as well from my heart.
Hi Patricia…glad to hear from you…
I did not make any work lately…...no inspiration…lol…I am just waiting…anyway…it is spring here and the weather is so good…gardenig, walking, spring cleaning, etc…
Enjoy your break…Hugs
Hello Patricia-as you can see from the late response I have not been here a lot either and have not painted since December. Somehow I have no inspiration these days not just painting I am kind of in a do nothing zone. Anyways nice to see you again and be well….
I really enjoy your page... Its so nice to see such beauty on a page !!...
J-C as always you say the nicest things… right back at you my friend!
Hi Pete, “go with the flow” – these days i have to.. no choice!
I hope to hit the water soon! I dearly hope this is also the case with you!! How are those champagne corks going? You must have quite a collection going by now! :) and the real thing to boot… those sparkles are something aren’t they? We all need a little sparkle!!!!
Take care my friend.
Hi Cate, thank you for being the wonderful and beautiful person you are! Writing from the heart feeds the soul!
Love to you
Mrs Willow, thank you so much for your wise words .. means much to have them and your ongoing support :) I look forward to this time when i am feeling ready to begin again.. to fill my days with all the colours of the rainbow!
Love, always love.
Hi Ana, when inspiration comes you will burst open as a flower bud does come spring! In the meantime enjoy the gardening, walking, spring cleaning and the beautiful weather that is obviously taking you in this direction!
(((HUGS & LOVE)))
Hi Renate, you are taking a nice long break – i can understand where you are at the moment..it’s ok!! That spark will hit you when you least expect it.. you will see, hear or feel something that will trigger a thought/image and then off you will go, and there will be no stopping you!!! I know this.. your ladies and beautiful writings are all there waiting for you.
Sending you a special encouraging hug!
Hi Daniel, Welcome to my blog! Thank you for those kind words. You are a welcome visitor and i look forward to your ongoing support in the future.
Have faith!
Ciao Perugina.art,
mi chiamo Tito Fornasiero e ho scoperto il tuo sito visitando il blog di Mario Piana. Volevo farti i miei complimenti per i tuoi bellissimi ed emozionanti acquerelli,
le tue “watercolors ladies” sono molto affascinanti e sensuali. Il tuo è uno stile personalissimo e unico e non si può non rimanere colpiti dai colori e dalla grazia delle tue “ladies”. Complimenti davvero.
Ho letto sul tuo sito che hai deciso di sospendere momentaneamente la pittura e di prenderti una pausa, peccato. Ma penso sia giusto ogni tanto fermarsi, non si può dipingere come delle macchine automatiche. Spero comunque riprenderai presto a farci vedere altre magnifiche e intriganti “ladies”
Mi farebbe piacere, se tu fossi d’accordo, di inserire l’indirizzo del tuo blog tra i siti amici nel mio blog.
Ciao Perugina.art e tanti auguri!!
Ciao Tito,
Che piacere ricevere questo email da te!
Grazie tanto dal cuore per queste belle parole. Naturalmente sarei onorato per noi a scambiare il collegamento al nostro blog e keep in touch!
Ho già inviato queste belle parole nel mio blog, e vorrei a presto lasciare i miei pensieri sulle tue bellissime opere d'acquerello.
Si .. Sto prendendo una pausa per il momento. Spero di tornare al mio amore di pittura al più presto. Mi sento ho bisogno di più tempo per recouperarmi dopo un periodo molto lavorato.
Sono felice che pensi i miei Watercolour Ladies acquerello sono intriganti, sensuali e affascinanti - alta lode anzi. Grazie, siete molto gentili.
Spero che ho scritto bene in Italiano.. lo pratico pochissimo spero che capisci.
A presto Tito
Ciao Perugina, prima di tutto grazie per aver visitato il mio blog e aver lasciato un tuo commento, sei stata molto gentile.
.....I know a little bit of English....and I can read or write it better than I can speak. Your Italian is almost perfect....and much better than my English, so, if for you does'nt matter I would prefer use the Italian.
Ci tengo a ripeterti che è stato molto bello scoprire il tuo blog ma ancora di più scoprire la tua arte. Sono rimasto molto colpito dalla grazia e nello stesso tempo dalla sensualità delle tue Ladies. L'animo che traspare dalle tue opere mi fa pensare ad una persona molto sensibile e molto dolce, ma anche ricca di personalità e di sensualità. Mi auguro di continuare a scambiare i nostri pensieri e le nostre visite virtuali anche in futuro. Ti auguro le cose più belle!! Ciao, Tito.
Ciao Tito,
Grazie ancora per lasciare un tale meraviglioso commento qui. Sei molto gentile e anche io spero di continare scambiarci le visite tramite I blog!
Utilizzando l'italiano è accolto con favoure Tito, cosi posso praticarlo, non ho molto opportunita` di parlarlo o di scriverlo e scusa dei sbagli ma cerco di fare del mio meglio!
Che hai scrito, ‘Sono rimasto molto colpito dalla grazia e nello stesso tempo dalla sensualità delle tue Ladies.’ E ‘L'animo che traspare dalle tue opere mi fa pensare ad una persona molto sensibile e molto dolce, ma anche ricca di personalità e di sensualità.’ mi fai un grande complimento – grazie tanto.
Ti auguro anche a te Tito, le cose piu` belle.
TranslationHi Tito,
Thanks again for leaving such a wonderful comment here. You are very kind and I hope to continue to exchange Blog visits!
Using Italian is received with favour Tito, so I can practice, I do not have much of an opportunity to speak or write and apologise for mistakes but I try to do my best!
You've written, 'I was very impressed by the grace and at the same time by the sensuality of your Ladies.' & 'The mood conveyed by your works makes me think of a very sensitive and very sweet, but also rich personality and sensuality. ' I take this as a great compliment - thanks so much.
We also wish for you Tito, the most beautiful of things.
Ciao Patricia, volevo augurarti un felice 1° maggio e naturalmente anche un buon week end!!
In Australia il 1° maggio (festa del lavoro) è una festività ufficiale?
Abbraccio, Tito.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed your words. You have alot of great blog support here, take care. Sometimes we have to take a little break, but the passion is always there.
hola Perugina,lo que he visto tuyo me gusta,tù tambien tienes un estilo muy personal.un saludo
Lovely sentiments. You will come back full of energy and empowered to full creativity.
Ciao Tito, grazie dell'augurio. Qui non e` festa. Ma spero che il tuo weekend era favoloso!
Un caro saluto!
Hi Holly, you are welcome, so nice to have your encouragement and positiveness here by way of this visit. You are correct in stating, ’the passion is always there.’
Look forward to our mutual support.
Hola Ana, muchas gracias por su visita y por su hermoso comentario. Un saludo!
Hi Kay, thank you for your positive encouragement via your visit and by way of your thoughts left here.
Grazie OS! :)
Hi Patricia, thanks for dropping in recently.
Hope all is well with you.
Dake Hi,
No worries, I pop in from time to time.
Thank you for your visit, always nice to see you drop in.
Hope all is well with you also.
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